Featured in Algorithms

Quickselect Algorithm

Quickselect Algorithm The quickselect algorithm seeks to find the kth smallest value or the kth largest value in an input array in linear time on … Read More

7 months, 3 weeks ago ; 262 views

Disk Stacking

Problem Case Given a list of disks represented by their dimensions [width, depth, height], the problem is to find the maximum height achievable by… Read More

Kibsoft in Algorithms
ago ; 106 views

Knapsack Problem

Knapsack Problem The Knapsack Problem involves selecting a combination of items to maximize the value while staying within the capacity constraint… Read More

Kibsoft in Algorithms
ago ; 102 views

Water Area

Problem Case The problem is to find the total area of trapped rainwater between a series of walls represented by the given heights. Solution: A… Read More

Kibsoft in Algorithms
ago ; 95 views

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