Data Structures and Algorithms

Continuous Median

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Continuous Median

Given a stream of numbers, we want to calculate a continuous median.

class ContinuousMedianHandler:
    A class to handle continuous median calculations for a stream of numbers.

        lowers (Heap): A max-heap to store the lower half of the numbers.
        greaters (Heap): A min-heap to store the upper half of the numbers.
        median (float): The current median value.

    def __init__(self, data):
        Initializes the ContinuousMedianHandler instance with the given data.

            data (List[int]): The initial list of numbers.

        Time Complexity: O(n * log(n)) where n is the number of elements in data.
        Space Complexity: O(n) for storing elements in heaps.
        self.lowers = Heap(MAX_HEAP_FUNC, [])
        self.greaters = Heap(MIN_HEAP_FUNC, [])
        self.median = None
        for value in data:

    def insert(self, number):
        Inserts a number into the ContinuousMedianHandler and updates the median.

            number (int): The number to be inserted.

        Time Complexity: O(log(n)) where n is the total number of elements in lowers and greaters.
        if not self.lowers.length or number < self.lowers.peek():

    def rebalanceHeaps(self):
        Rebalances the heaps to ensure that the size difference is at most 1.
        if self.lowers.length - self.greaters.length == 2:
        elif self.greaters.length - self.lowers.length == 2:

    def updateMedian(self):
        Updates the median based on the current state of the heaps.
        if self.lowers.length == self.greaters.length:
            self.median = (self.lowers.peek() + self.greaters.peek()) / 2
        elif self.lowers.length > self.greaters.length:
            self.median = self.lowers.peek()
            self.median = self.greaters.peek()

    def getMedian(self):
        Returns the current median value.

            float: The median value.

        Time Complexity: O(1)
        return self.median


Heap Data Structure

class Heap:
    A class representing a heap data structure.

        heap (List): The underlying array representing the heap.
        comparisonFunc (Callable): A function used for comparison in the heap.
        length (int): The length of the heap.

        buildHeap: Builds the heap from the given array.
        siftDown: Moves an element down in the heap to maintain heap property.
        siftUp: Moves an element up in the heap to maintain heap property.
        peek: Returns the root element of the heap.
        remove: Removes and returns the root element of the heap.
        insert: Inserts a new element into the heap.
        swap: Swaps two elements in the heap array.

    def __init__(self, comparisonFunc, array):
        Initialize the Heap instance.

            comparisonFunc (Callable): A function used for comparison in the heap.
            array (List): The initial array to build the heap from.
        self.heap = self.buildHeap(array)
        self.comparisonFunc = comparisonFunc
        self.length = len(self.heap)

    def buildHeap(self, array):
        Build a heap from the given array.

            array (List): The array to build the heap from.

            List: The heap array.
        firstParentIdx = (len(array) - 1) // 2
        for currentIdx in reversed(range(firstParentIdx)):
            self.siftDown(currentIdx, len(array) - 1, array)
        return array

    def siftDown(self, currentIdx, endIdx, heap):
        Move an element down in the heap to maintain heap property.

            currentIdx (int): The index of the element to sift down.
            endIdx (int): The index of the last element in the heap.
            heap (List): The heap array.
        childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1
        while childOneIdx <= endIdx:
            childTwoIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 2 if currentIdx * 2 + 2 <= endIdx else -1
            if childTwoIdx != -1:
                if self.comparisonFunc(heap[childTwoIdx], heap[childOneIdx]):
                    idxToSwap = childTwoIdx
                    idxToSwap = childOneIdx
                idxToSwap = childOneIdx
            if self.comparisonFunc(heap[idxToSwap], heap[currentIdx]):
                self.swap(currentIdx, idxToSwap, heap)
                currentIdx = idxToSwap
                childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1

    def siftUp(self, currentIdx, heap):
        Move an element up in the heap to maintain heap property.

            currentIdx (int): The index of the element to sift up.
            heap (List): The heap array.
        parentIdx = (currentIdx - 1) // 2
        while currentIdx > 0:
            if self.comparisonFunc(heap[currentIdx], heap[parentIdx]):
                self.swap(currentIdx, parentIdx, heap)
                currentIdx = parentIdx
                parentIdx = (currentIdx - 1) // 2

    def peek(self):
        Return the root element of the heap.

            Any: The root element of the heap.
        return self.heap[0]

    def remove(self):
        Remove and return the root element of the heap.

            Any: The root element of the heap.
        valueToRemove = self.heap.pop(0)
        self.length -= 1
        self.siftDown(0, self.length - 1, self.heap)
        return valueToRemove

    def insert(self, value):
        Insert a new element into the heap.

            value (Any): The value to insert into the heap.
        self.length += 1
        self.siftUp(self.length - 1, self.heap)

    def swap(self, i, j, array):
        Swap two elements in the heap array.

            i (int): The index of the first element.
            j (int): The index of the second element.
            array (List): The heap array.
        array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]

def MAX_HEAP_FUNC(a, b):
    Comparison function for creating a max heap.

        a (Any): The first element.
        b (Any): The second element.

        bool: True if a is greater than b, False otherwise.
    return a > b

def MIN_HEAP_FUNC(a, b):
    Comparison function for creating a min heap.

        a (Any): The first element.
        b (Any): The second element.

        bool: True if a is less than b, False otherwise.
    return a < b


Time & Space Complexity

The time complexity of the ContinuousMedianHandler class largely depends on the operations involved in inserting a new number and updating the median.

Here's the breakdown:

Inserting a Number (insert method)

This operation involves inserting a number into either the lowers heap or the greaters heap, followed by rebalancing the heaps and updating the median. The time complexity of inserting into a heap is O(log n), where n is the number of elements in the heap. Since there are two heaps involved, the overall time complexity for insertion is O(log n).

Rebalancing the Heaps (rebalanceHeaps method)

This operation involves rebalancing the heaps to ensure that the size difference between lowers and greaters is at most 1. The rebalancing operation itself takes O(log n) time because it involves removing an element from one heap and inserting it into another.

Updating the Median (updateMedian method)

This operation has a time complexity of O(1) because it involves only simple arithmetic operations to calculate the median based on the lengths and peek values of the heaps.

Getting the Median (getMedian method)

This operation returns the current median value and has a time complexity of O(1).

Overall, the time complexity of the ContinuousMedianHandler class is dominated by the insertion operation, which is O(log n), where n is the total number of elements inserted into the handler.

Space complexity

Storing the elements in the heaps requires space proportional to the number of elements inserted, so the space complexity is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the data list provided during initialization.

Unit Test

The unit test covers the following:

  • A small set of numbers with both positive and negative values.
  • An empty set of numbers.
  • A single number.
  • A set of duplicate numbers.
  • Large numbers.

This should ensure that the algorithm is robust and can handle unforeseen scenarios.

import unittest

class TestContinuousMedianHandler(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_continuous_median_handler(self):
        # Test case with a small set of numbers
        data = [5, 10, 100, 200, 6, 13, 14]
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)
        self.assertEqual(median_handler.getMedian(), 13)

        # Test case with an empty set of numbers
        data = []
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)

        # Test case with a single number
        data = [7]
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)
        self.assertEqual(median_handler.getMedian(), 7)

        # Test case with duplicate numbers
        data = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)
        self.assertEqual(median_handler.getMedian(), 5)

        # Test case with negative numbers
        data = [-10, -5, -3, -1, -20]
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)
        self.assertEqual(median_handler.getMedian(), -5)

        # Test case with large numbers
        data = [10**9, 10**10, 10**11, 10**12, 10**13]
        median_handler = ContinuousMedianHandler(data)
        self.assertEqual(median_handler.getMedian(), 10**11)

if __name__ == "__main__":



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