Data Structures and Algorithms

Longest Palindromic Substring

10 months, 3 weeks ago ; F(visit_count) + Value(1) views
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The problem

The problem being solved is finding the longest palindrome substring within a given string. A palindrome is a sequence of characters reading the same forwards and backward.

The task is to find the longest such substring within the given string.

For example, in the string "babad," the longest palindrome substring is "bab" or "aba." In "cbbd", the longest palindrome substring is "bb."

The solution provided iterates through the string and, for each character, expands around it to find the longest palindrome substring centered at that character. It then updates the longest palindrome substring found so far and returns it at the end.

The Thought Process

The solution employs an iterative expansion approach to find the longest palindrome substring within the given string. Here's the thought process behind the solution:

    Iterative Expansion Approach

        The algorithm iterates through each character of the string. For each character, it tries to expand around it to find the longest palindrome substring centered at that character.

        This expansion process considers both odd-length and even-length palindromes.

    Finding Palindromes

        The algorithm expands outward to the left and right for each character, comparing characters at each step. If the characters are equal, they contribute to forming a palindrome.

        The expansion continues until the characters are no longer equal, marking the end of the palindrome.

    Updating Longest Palindrome Substring

        The algorithm keeps track of the longest palindrome substring during the expansion process.

        It compares the length of the current palindrome substring with the length of the longest one found previously, updating it if necessary.

    Returning the Result

        After iterating through all characters, the algorithm returns the longest palindrome substring

This approach ensures that every possible palindrome substring centered at each character is considered, allowing the algorithm to find the longest palindrome substring efficiently.

Expanding around each character avoids checking all possible substrings separately, leading to a more optimal solution.

Solution: Algorithmic

# O(n^2) time | O(1) space
def longest_palindrome_substring(string):
    Finds the longest palindrome substring in the given string.

    string (str): The input string.

    str: The longest palindrome substring found in the input string.
    # Initialize the current longest palindrome substring as the first character.
    currentLongest = [0, 1]

    # Iterate through the string to find the longest palindrome substring.
    for i in range(1, len(string)):
        # Get the longest palindrome substring considering the current character as the center
        # for both odd and even length palindromes.
        odd = get_longest_palindrome_from(string, i - 1, i + 1)
        even = get_longest_palindrome_from(string, i - 1, i)
        # Choose the longest palindrome substring among the odd and even length palindromes.
        longest = max(odd, even, key=lambda x: x[1] - x[0])
        # Update the current longest palindrome substring.
        currentLongest = max(longest, currentLongest, key=lambda x: x[1] - x[0])
    # Return the longest palindrome substring found.
    return string[currentLongest[0]:currentLongest[1]]

def get_longest_palindrome_from(string, leftIdx, rightIdx):
    Finds the longest palindrome substring starting from the given left and right indices.

        string (str): The input string.
        leftIdx (int): The left index to start expanding the palindrome substring.
        rightIdx (int): The right index to start expanding the palindrome substring.

        list: A list containing the start and end indices of the longest palindrome substring found.
    # Expand the palindrome substring as long as characters at leftIdx and rightIdx are equal.
    while leftIdx >= 0 and rightIdx < len(string):
        if string[leftIdx] != string[rightIdx]:
        leftIdx -= 1
        rightIdx += 1
    # Return the indices of the longest palindrome substring found.
    return [leftIdx + 1, rightIdx]

my_string ="abaxyzzyxf"


Complexity Analysis

Let's analyze the time and space complexity of the provided solution

Time Complexity Analysis

Iterative Expansion

The algorithm expands outward to the left and right for each character in the string to find palindrome substrings. In the worst case, the expansion for each character may take O(n) time, where n is the length of the string.

Since there are n characters in the string, the overall time complexity for finding palindromes is O(n^2).

Considering other operations such as comparisons, updating the longest palindrome substring, and building the final result, they all take constant or linear time relative to the input size.

Therefore, the overall time complexity of the solution is O(n^2).

Space Complexity Analysis

Memory for Storing Indices

The algorithm uses constant extra memory to store indices and other variables such as currentLongest.

The space required for these variables is independent of the input size and is O(1).

Unit Tests

These tests cover various scenarios, including:

  •     Strings with odd and even length palindromes.
  •     Single character strings.
  •     Empty strings.
  •     Strings with no palindromes.
  •     Strings with all characters the same.
  •     Strings with multiple palindromes.
  •     Edge cases like "racecar" and "abacdfgdcaba."

These tests help ensure that the algorithm behaves correctly under different conditions and provides robustness to the solution.

import unittest

class TestLongestPalindromeSubstring(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_longest_palindrome_substring(self):
        # Test cases with various inputs
        self.assertIn(longest_palindrome_substring("babad"), ["bab", "aba"])
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("cbbd"), "bb")
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("a"), "a")
        self.assertIn(longest_palindrome_substring("ac"), ["a", "c"])
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("racecar"), "racecar")
        self.assertIn(longest_palindrome_substring("abcde"), ["a","b","c","d","e"])
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring(""), "")
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("abb"), "bb")
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("aaaa"), "aaaa")
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("abcda"), "a")
        self.assertEqual(longest_palindrome_substring("abacdfgdcaba"), "aba")
if __name__ == '__main__':


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