Data Structures and Algorithms

Search For Range

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Search For Range

Here's the problem illustration.

Given a sorted array, and a target number e.g. 45, find the range of indices in the input array in between which you can find the target value.

In this case, the range is [4,9] because 4 is the first index where you can find the first target value of 45 and 9 is the last index where you can find the value of 45.


Solution: Recursive Code

# recursive approach
# O(log(n)) time | O(log(n)) space
def search_for_range(array, target):
    Returns the range of indices in the array that contain the target value.

        array: A sorted list of integers.
        target: An integer to search for in the array.

        list: A list of two integers representing the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value in the array.
        If the target value is not found in the array, returns [-1, -1].
    final_range = [-1, -1]
    altered_binary_search(array, target, 0, len(array)-1, final_range, True)
    altered_binary_search(array, target, 0, len(array)-1, final_range, False)
    return final_range

def altered_binary_search(array, target, left, right, final_range, go_left):
    Searches for the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value in the array.

        array: A sorted list of integers.
        target: An integer to search for in the array.
        left: The leftmost index of the search range.
        right: The rightmost index of the search range.
        final_range: A list of two integers representing the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value in the array.
        go_left: A boolean indicating whether the function is searching for the leftmost or rightmost index.

    # If the left pointer is greater than the right pointer, return
    if left > right:
    # Calculate the mid index
    mid = (left + right) // 2
    # If the element at the mid index is less than the target, search the right half of the array
    if array[mid] < target:
        altered_binary_search(array, target, mid + 1, right, final_range, go_left)
    # If the element at the mid index is greater than the target, search the left half of the array
    elif array[mid] > target:
        altered_binary_search(array, target, left, mid - 1, final_range, go_left)
    # If the element at the mid index is equal to the target    
        # If we are searching for the leftmost index
        if go_left:
            # If the mid index is the first index or the element before the mid index is not equal to the target
            if mid == 0 or array[mid - 1] != target:
                 # Update the leftmost index in the final range
                final_range[0] = mid
            # Otherwise, search the left half of the array
                altered_binary_search(array, target, left, mid - 1, final_range, go_left)
            # If the mid index is the last index or the element after the mid index is not equal to the target
            if mid == len(array) - 1 or array[mid + 1] != target:
                 # Update the rightmost index in the final range
                final_range[1] = mid
            # Otherwise, search the right half of the array
                altered_binary_search(array, target, mid + 1, right, final_range, go_left)


Code Explanation

The search_for_range function takes a sorted list of integers and a target value as input and returns the range of indices in the array that contains the target value.

It does this by calling the altered_binary_search function twice with different arguments.

The altered_binary_search function is a modified version of the binary search algorithm that searches for the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value in the array.

The final_range list is used to store the leftmost and rightmost index of the target value. The go_left parameter is used to determine whether the function is searching for the leftmost or rightmost index.

The function returns [-1, -1] if the target value is not found in the array.

The altered_binary_search function takes a sorted list of integers, a target value, the left and right indices of the search range, the final_range list, and the go_left parameter as input.

It uses a recursive approach to search for the array's leftmost and rightmost index of the target value. If the target value is not found in the array, the function returns None. Otherwise, it updates the final_range list with the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value and returns None.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of the altered_binary_search function is O(log n), where n is the length of the input array. This is because the function uses a binary search algorithm to find the leftmost and rightmost indices of the target value in the array.

This altered binary search algorithm has a time complexity of O(log n) because it divides the search range in half at each iteration, resulting in a logarithmic number of iterations.

Space Complexity

The space complexity of the altered_binary_search function is O(log n) due to the recursive nature of the algorithm. Each recursive call to the function adds a new frame to the call stack, which requires additional memory. Since the maximum depth of the call stack is log n, the space complexity of the function is O(log n).

The time complexity of the search_for_range function is also O(log n) because it calls the altered_binary_search function twice with different arguments. The space complexity of the search_for_range function is O(1) because it only uses memory that's fixed to store the final_range list.

Solution: The Iterative approach

def search_for_range_iterative(array, target):
    Find the range of indices in the sorted array that contains the target value.

        array (List[int]): The sorted array of integers.
        target (int): The target value to search for in the array.

        List[int]: A list containing the start and end indices of the range that contains the target value.
                   If the target is not found in the array, returns [-1, -1].
    # Initialize the final range list to store the start and end indices of the target range.
    finalRange =[-1, -1]
    # Perform two altered binary searches to find the left and right bounds of the target range.
    altered_binary_search_iterative(array, target, 0, len(array)-1, finalRange, True)
    altered_binary_search_iterative(array, target, 0, len(array)-1, finalRange, False)
    # Return the final range list containing the start and end indices of the target range.
    return finalRange

def altered_binary_search_iterative(array, target, left,right, finalRange, goLeft):
    Perform an altered binary search to find the left and right bound of the target range.

        array (List[int]): The sorted array of integers.
        target (int): The target value to search for in the array.
        left (int): The left boundary index of the search range.
        right (int): The right boundary index of the search range.
        finalRange (List[int]): A list containing the start and end indices of the target range.
        goLeft (bool): A boolean indicating whether to find the left or right bound of the target range.

    while left <= right:
        # Calculate the middle index of the current search range using integer division.
        mid =(left + right)
        # Perform binary search to find the left or right bound of the target range.
        if array[mid] < target:
            left =mid + 1
        elif array[mid] > target:
            right =mid -1
            # If the target value is found, update the finalRange list with the left or right bound.
            if goLeft:
                if mid ==0 or array[mid -1] != target:
                    finalRange[0] =mid
                    right = mid -1
                if mid == len(array) -1 or array[mid + 1] != target:
                    finalRange[1] =mid
                    left =mid+1


Time Complexity

The time complexity of the search_for_range_iterative function is O(log(n)), with n representing array elements. It is because it performs two altered binary searches, each of which has a time complexity of O(log(n)).

Space Complexity

The complexity in terms of space for the iterative solution is O(1) because it only uses a constant space regardless of the array's input size. This constant space stores the finalRange list, which contains the start and end indices of the target range.

Additionally, the altered binary search is implemented iteratively without using any additional data structures, contributing to the constant space complexity.

Unit Test

import unittest
class TestSearchForRange(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_recursive_search_range(self):
        # recursive approach test
        self.assertListEqual(search_for_range([0, 1, 21, 33, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 61, 71, 73], 45), [4,9])

    def test_iterative_search_range(self):
        # iterative approach test
        self.assertListEqual(search_for_range_iterative([0, 1, 21, 33, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 45, 61, 71, 73], 45), [4,9])

if __name__=="__main__":




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